Monday, July 5, 2010

Of Tightropes and Tight Ropes

It's been like forever since I last wrote here. I hope to get back with it more often. This was something I came up with last year

A brief thought that came to me while Superbusing it home to Hashmonaim on Highway 443.

Being the word junkie that I am, it occurred to me that in his shiurim on Shvachei HaRan, Rebbe (Rav Rosenfeld) z"l had used two similar words in describing a Jew's plight and hope; especially if that Jew was a Breslover.

Faced with the ever-increasing & ever-dangerous distractions and temptations of this world (and everyone knows what there own personal demons are), a Jew is constantly walking a tightrope, where even a momentary lapse in concentration can have serious or even fatal consequences. Given that we are all (too-frail) humans, how are expected not to fall at times?

The answer is, we are not.

But we ARE expected to get back up.


Through that tight rope that eternally binds us to Rabbenu z"l, who stressed again and again to his talmidim, that no matter what transpires in a person's life, regardless of how many times or to what depths one may fall, as long as we remain loyal followers and consider ourselves attached to the tzaddik, he will always be there for us, holding tightly the other end of that rope, helping us to climb back.


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