Saturday, November 11, 2006

Jumping in the Water

Wow! A few years into my 5th decade on this current (and hopefully last) pass through this world, I'm finally taking the plunge into the great blue blog. I'm excited about where this might all lead.

While my life hasn't exactly been the stuff headlines are made of, I'm sure that I'm not your typical blogger: Father of eight (that's probably enough to set me apart from most), modern orthodox Jew who has been (or at least trying to be) a faithful follower of Rebbe Nachman of Breslov for over 30 years, living in Israel for the last 18 years ever since coming over from New York, where I was high-powered computer consultant mostly in the Wall Street (I actually remember the World Trade Center being built) area for 10 years, a still avid fan of CSNY (that's Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young, NOT to be confused with NCSY- National Council of Synagogue Youth, Bon Jovi, Jethro Tull, Eric Clapton, Fleetwood Mac, Saturday Night Live (and the whole crew from the 80's - Billy Crystal, Eddie Murphy, Bill Murray etc), Will Smith, Woody Harrelson, Wesley Snypes, John Travolta, Howard Stern, Jackie Mason ... , who wears jeans and New Balance sneaker during the week and dons a hat, gartel and jacket when the sun sets on Friday nites.

I stopped programming shortly after the Y2K phenomenon, though that had no influence on my decision. For the last 6 years I've mostly been riding the choppy post-dotcom-bust waters as a marketing writer/researcher and have interspersed those assignments with stints as a high-tech recruiter, PR officer and account manager for an animation studio (some time I'll have to have a separate entry or two just for that wild experience).

And now I've sort of come full circle. I find myself being an office administrator-type for the Breslov World Center in the heart of Meah She'arim, Jerusalem. Coming across faces, names and places that played a major role in building my spiritual self is definitely a blast.

Being that it's now after 2:00AM, I gotta get some sleep or it will be more difficult than usual to wake up in time for minyan.

I will definitely be making a lot of entries both recalling past happenings that led me to being here and sharing my take on current events in and around the Breslov circle

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